We are open for online or socially distanced lessons
We are proud to report that during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been working full time and our students did not have to miss any lessons.
Over the past few months, we transitioned to in-person lessons for students who are interested, while also keeping our online lessons available.
Besides taking extra precautions in the studio (see details below), we also installed an Air Scrubber, which is a state-of-the-art technology developed by NASA that battles viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces....

Additional precautions taken in the studio:
-all surfaces are sanitized between lessons
-everyone is required to wash hands before lessons (there is an outside washing station for this purpose)
-teachers and students are wearing masks at all times
-schedule is spaced out and there is no overlapping, so students don't meet each other
-there is at least 10 feet between teachers and students and we also have 'sneeze guards' (protective acrylic shields) for extra safety
-we ask that parents don't come inside to avoid unnecessary contact
-students are asked to wait in the car until a text notification that the studio is ready and disinfected
-we ask everyone to stay home at the first sign of illness, we are always happy to reschedule if needed

We look forward to hearing from prospective new students.
If you are interested in joining our school, please fill out the audition request form here.